Meet the Team: Lou

Lou Daprile

Graphic Designer and Brand Specialist
Hometown: Chicago, IL


If your personality were a Mr. Moxey’s moodstate, which one would it be & why?

I’d be Relief, as someone with an inflammatory disease I’m held together by CBD and CBG.

How do you like to pamper yourself or practice self-care?

A really good stretching session and an epsom salt bath with a Relief Mint.

What's the song that puts a pep in your step?

“Take the A Train” by Duke Ellington.

What is your favorite occasion to consume cannabis?

Any occasion!

If you could plan an all expenses paid trip, where would you go?

A stay at The Royal Frenchman in New Orleans, with lots of food, jazz, and buying art.

What did you do before working with Mr. Moxey’s?

I was a freelance photographer and designer that also worked for nonprofit organizations.

What's your favorite meal to impress someone you care for?

My French Canadian grandmother’s recipe: Paté Chinois, a feel good casserole perfect for cozy winter days.

Tell us about the most discreet time or place you have consumed cannabis:

The bathroom in my high school.

What’s your dream exotic pet?

I feel like I have my dream pets, two sibling cats named Pan and Java. It would be nice if they liked leashes so we could go for adventures, but they are content being apartment cats so our adventures happen at home.

If you could live in any fictional world, where would it be?

One without racialized capitalism and the patriarchy.

What is your favorite way to celebrate something special?

Going dancing!


Microdosing 420 All Month Long