Welcome to the World of Mr. Moxey’s

Anything can happen here, and it probably will


Mr. Moxey’s believes that one should live their days with vim and vigor—with a boundless curiosity and a bottomless appetite for life itself. Refusing to stand idly by, one must choose to capitalize on every opportunity with the wholeness of the self and the elevated consciousness of willfully experiencing every moment.

As a champion of experience, and steadfast advocate for one’s betterment through their mind and character, Mr. Moxey’s encourages us all to make the active choice to manifest excellence in oneself and others.

As a dutiful steward, Mr. Moxey’s believes in respect and discretion; respect for oneself and for all other walks of life, and discretion in that one can only live life to the fullest, of course, if one stays out of harm’s way to enjoy it. Thus, while Mr. Moxey’s encourages the enthusiastic exploration of and participation in all of life’s pleasures with an open heart and an open mind, it is never at the expense of respect and common sense. 

Mr. Moxey’s holistic approach to enhancing one’s moodstate through controlled experiences through carefully considered combinations of naturopathic herbs combined with the balanced and discrete infusion of select cannabinoids has earned a worldwide reputation as a consummate companion who can enhance any occasion. With over 30 million mints sold across the globe, Mr. Moxey’s continues to enthusiastically advocate for one’s choice to live well.

Mr. Moxey’s is available in Washington, Oregon, California, Massachusetts, and Colorado.
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